
The Micromerce
Building blocks

Our building block system to simplify your processes


We develop simple software solutions for complicated IT problems - with a system: the Micromerce building block system.

What does it mean? The Micromerce building blocks developed by us are based on a selection of granular software systems and services. These, in turn, are built on common web technologies for easy integration into existing systems and can be flexibly combined with each other according to individual requirements.

The true superpower of our Micromerce building blocks, however, as is often the case, lies in the details, or here, "in the configuration". By considering the individual characteristics of your company, we tailor the range of functions and the user interface of our solutions to exactly what you and your employees need. And should these requirements change, we simply adapt the functions, and therefore your options. Quite pragmatically.

This enables you to carry out all necessary business processes conveniently and, if required, to automate them or have them done by the system without having to spend a long time learning how to use overloaded software.

With us, you can get a highly functional scalable digital solution that meets the needs of your company in the shortest possible time – whether it is an extension or replacement of the existing system or a new work management solution for all structures and processes.

All these solutions can be easily integrated and configured using our building block system. This allows you to start working quickly and still receive a customized solution that is tailored to your challenges, needs, and requirements - and can continue to evolve with you in the future.

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The building blocks and their functions at a glance

Whether as individual services or in combination: our Micromerce building blocks help you create lightweight applications that are easy to use and technologically up to date.

Here is a selection of our ready-to-use Micromerce building blocks:

The Action Service enables the execution of various individual actions.



The Analytics Service collects your data to convert it into easily understandable, appealing tables and diagrams.



Protect sensitive data by creating password-protected areas and granting access only to authorized persons.



Protect your data from unwanted changes or complete loss.



You value service and want a direct line to your customers? Our Chat Service helps you to be quickly and directly reachable.



You want to be able to easily store and maintain structured list data such as your blog posts or customer, product, and accounting data?



From newsletter registration to contact requests: With this building block, you create and configure all forms on your website.



The Media Service helps you to finally bring order to your media data.



Turn your website into a shop: With this element, the conversion is quick and easy - just order it!



Do you want to easily maintain your websites and web applications editorially?



The Solution Service is the central building block and the heart of our individualized customer solutions.



With the Website Service, a website developed by you can be provided via a content delivery network.



Simplify and speed up your work and business processes and have workflows automatically monitored and executed.



Solution Service

The Solution Service is the central building block at the heart of many individualized customer solutions. All other modules are created, configured and coordinated with the configuration of it.

Expansion options

svgThe Solution Service interacts with all available services



svgCreation of reproducible environments (GitOps)

svgRollback to previous configurations

svgBuilding individual menu structures

svgCentral user management

svgRollout of the configuration over various stages so that all changes can be checked again before they go live on the website or app

Examples of application

svgCustomized Backoffice solutions

svgAccounting and project management solutions

svgSeminar management from a single source

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Entity Service

Would you like to be able to easily store and maintain structured list data, such as your blog posts or customer, product and accounting data? The Entity Service makes it possible. In combination with other services, a very wide range of use cases can be mapped.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with our Auth Services, the content of the entity service can be protected individually and with fine granularity.

svgIn combination with the Media Service, different media formats can be used within an entity.

svgWith the additional integration of the Order Service, products can be sold directly via your own website.

svgBy using the Workflow Service, actions and processes can be defined that are triggered automatically after adding or changing data.



svgIndividually configurable data structure and masks for displaying and maintaining data and validation rules

svgFine-grained definition of access rights

svgSearch API for querying saved data

svgIndividual filters and sorting of data

svgComprehensibility of changes

svgEasy integration into websites, web applications or apps

svgSimple maintenance of references between different entities

Examples of application

svgManagement of customer data

svgStoring accounting data

svgMaintenance of product data

svgBlog with lots of articles

svgStoring measurement data

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Media Service

The Media Service helps you to finally bring order to your media data. Thanks to dynamic transformations, tags and metadata, organization is easy and offers a clear solution in the long term.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with one or more Auth Services, your content can be protected.

svgIn combination with the Workflow Service, actions and processes can be defined that are triggered automatically after data is added or changed.



svgAutomatic creation of thumbnails for many different media formats (JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, AVI, MP4, MOV, PDF and more)

svgEasy management of very large files

svgTagging of media

svgProvision of a virtual dynamic folder structure

Examples of application

svgProvision of a virtual dynamic folder structure

svgStorage system for contract or accounting data

svgMaintenance of product videos and display of the preview in different sizes

svgProvision of source sets for the responsive display of images

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Analytics Service

Clear analysis: the Analytics Service collects and transforms your data into easy-to-understand and appealing charts, tables and diagrams.

Expansion options

svgThe analytics service can use the data from most micromerce services and thus ensures seamless data utilization.



svgConfiguration of dashboards with widgets

svgDisplay of widgets in different forms, such as tables, bar charts or pie charts

svgPossibility to transform and combine source data

svgConfiguration of individual update intervals

Examples of application

svgDisplay of general company key figures

svgDisplay of booking utilization

svgDisplay of BWAs

svgVisualization of purchases and customer activities

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Action Service

The Action Service enables the execution of a wide variety of individual actions, such as the creation of documents based on predefined templates. The Action Service is often combined with the Workflow Service to map complete workflows.

Expansion options

svgThe results of an action can be automatically provided and stored via the Website Service.

svgBy adding the Entity Service, the triggered actions can also be performed automatically on several selected entities.

svgIn combination with the Mail Service, emails created in the Action Service can be sent automatically.



svgExecution and monitoring of individual actions

svgQuick integration of new action types

svgTransformation and preparation of source data

Examples of application

svgSending e-mail

svgData retrieval from external systems

svgPosting Slack messages

svgCreating CSVs or Excel files

svgCreating PDFs

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Workflow Service

Simplify and accelerate your work and business processes: With the Workflow Service, you can have workflows executed automatically, controlled and monitored according to any degree of automation.

Expansion options

svgWhen using the Action Service, actions can be executed and combined within a workflow.



svgConfiguration of diverse processes

svgControl of processes via events, such as adding and changing data or time conditions

svgMonitoring and display of workflow statuses

Examples of application

svgIllustration of registration processes

svgApproval process for invoices

svgMarketing communication for customers

svgSynchronization of data statuses between systems

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Mail Service

With the Mail Service, you manage the sending of marketing and transactional emails centrally in one place and implement an additional security mechanism if required.

Expansion options

svgThe Mail Service can extend the functional scope of numerous other services.



svgConfiguration of mail templates

svgMonitoring and comprehensibility of e-mail dispatch

svgQueue including check functionality

Examples of application

svgSending confirmation e-mails after registration

svgSending of reminder e-mails

svgSending invoice e-mails

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Website Service

With the Website Service, a website developed by you, using your own domain, can be professionally delivered via a content delivery network.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with the Auth Service, access to the website or web app can be protected.

svgBy integrating the Chat Service, customer chats or support functions for a back office solution can be integrated.

svgTogether with the Entity Service, the user can be provided with all or only selected parts of the information.

svgNewsletter registrations or contact forms can be integrated using the Form Service.

svgThrough the additional use of the Media Service, images or videos can be retrieved in different qualities and loading times can be significantly optimized.

svgIn combination with the Order Service, offered products can be purchased directly by the user.



svgAlso suitable for extreme use, with a very high number of daily accesses.

svgS3 compatibility for uploading data

svgDelivery via a global content delivery network (CDN)

svgSupport for an own domain

svgConfiguration of forwarding rules

Examples of application

svgHosting marketing website

svgHosting of own customer portal

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Snippet Service

Would you like to edit your websites and web applications easily? With the snippet service, you can change individual areas without editing the HTML code.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with the Auth Service, the content of the snippet service can be protected against unauthorized access.

svgThe Media Service extends the Snippet Service with the option of using different media formats, for example to work with very large video files.



svgIndividual mask for data maintenance

svgIndividual templates for data display

svgPersonalization and sharing of specific content for different users and roles

svgTime control

svgMultilingualism of the content

svgPreview functionality

svgIntegrated change history, to jump to older content

Examples of application




svgJob offers


svgMedia galleries (images, videos, etc.)

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Auth Service

Protect sensitive data by creating password-protected areas on your website, web application or app and granting access only to authorized persons. Use the Auth Service as a security service and protect your data.

Expansion options

svgThe Auth Service can extend the functional scope of numerous other services.



svgManagement of user roles

svgIndividual e-mail templates

svgSupport for single sign-on providers, for example Google

Examples of application

svgExtension of the Micromerce modules Snippet, Entity or Media Service to secure content

svgProtecting the customer accounts of online stores

svgClosed members area

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Order Service

Turn your website into a store: with the Order Service, conversion is quick and headache-free.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with the Auth Service, your users can also display their saved shopping cart and order data again at a later time and thus, for example, complete order processes that have not yet been completed.



svgEasy integration into existing applications

svgManaging and processing orders

svgSupport for various payment providers

svgExport of shipping information

Examples of application

svgSale of products on your own website

svgActivation of extended functions or premium content after payment or behind a paywall

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Chat Service

Do you value service and want a hot line to your customers? Our chat service helps you to be available quickly and directly.

Expansion options

svgIn combination with an Auth Service, registered users can access previous chats and continue them.

svgWith the help of the Media Service, different media formats can be used in the chat history.



svgMultiple customer advisors

svgIndividual design

Examples of application

svgCustomer chat

svgSupport chat

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Form Service

From newsletter registration to contact requests: with this module, you individually create and configure all forms on your website according to your needs and without much effort.


svgEasy integration into existing applications

svgIndividual configuration of forms

svgManagement of stored form entries

Examples of application

svgMultiple customer advisors

svgIndividual design

Examples of application

svgContact form

svgNewsletter registration

svgRegistration for events

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Backup Service

Protect your data from unwanted changes or complete loss: with the Backup Service, original data can be restored from older backup copies.

Expansion options

svgThe Backup Service can back up and restore data from any available Micromerce service.



svgBackup and recovery of service data

svgRecovery from different points in time

svgOverview of all performed backups

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Optimal integration and flexibility

Seamless integration of your systems

All our services can be integrated into various existing systems on the market. In this way we can adapt our solution to all your needs.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Google Ads
MS Excel
MS Excel
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CloudWatch
AWS CloudWatch
AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda
Discover all our integrations here

Our Micromerce modules enable us to implement all your business processes and individual requirements thanks to customized configurations.However, before you start worrying about which modules are the right combination for you, take a look at the solution packages that we have already put together for our customers over the years.